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Dawn Wilson Artist

April Fool

April fool? I guess that would have to be me today! I've sat here all day! Literally! Updating my website. I have been like a dog with a bone - absolutely determined to get it done - or at least to a standard I was moderately happy with. I feel like i have lost a whole day - but I suppose, even though it is maybe not totally polished, It's very nearly there. I'll have to bribe my clever daughter with a nice bottle of wine or a few cocktails (wink) to just do the final tweaks....

But what is ever so annoying is the fact that i've done certain things lots of times - like uploading photos for example - but would they upload tonight... you guessed it! That would be a big fat no! Anyway, it's the 1st of April and despite the fool connotation, I think we will all be ready for this month to begin and to see the lighter nights expanding and hopefully some nicer weather.

In terms of my artwork, I've approached a couple of galleries and i'd be delighted if they agree to take some of my recent paintings. I am determined to really push through this and get myself out there. It always comes back to confidence but i'm really enjoying creating this new work and i have already had a lot of positive feedback which is absolutely wonderful.

So it's just a wee little update today but I promised to keep in touch and since my laptop is glues to my lap and my hands are like claws already (only kidding!!), I thought, what the heck! Pity it's too late to play any tricks but i hope you've all managed to have a bit of fun today.

Catch up again soon :)

Dawn x

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