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Dawn the Arty One!

Art and Reiki

Those of you who follow me on social media will probably be aware that I was recently attuned to Reiki Master Healer and Teacher. Since my Mum passed away in January this year, I have felt deeply called to continue and in fact grow, my Reiki practice. There is a saying that Reiki finds you. Usually when you need it most. This has certainly been true of my own Reiki journey. The pull of the energy and the lift it has given me at this dark time in my life has been so appreciated. I believe it is this help and healing that has encouraged me to not only return to my art practice - which has fallen by the way side in recent months, but to incorporate this beautiful universal energy into my art works.

I have been able to return to two unfinished pieces in recent weeks, and felt compelled to finish them! As a person who has always flitted between many things and one who finds it difficult to settle down and focus when my head is full of all kinds of everything, I have found this to be hugely beneficial.

Because of this positive effect to mind and body, I am offering one to one sessions currently for those clients who feel a little relaxation and a little gentle healing will soothe and dissolve the pains of personal trials and tribulations. We all live at such a fast pace these days, we barely stop for breath, Being able to sit and have some time creating - whether you can draw or not, (it's really not about can and can't - because we all CAN if we just let loose!), works its magic every time. Playing with paint and allowing the healing to occur is frankly magical to witness.

I do have limited availability for one to ones - but if you'd like to join me for a healing art session, please reach out and I am sure we will find a suitable date in the diary.

I have also started up a little group on Facebook and Insta which I have called Art and Soul Reiki and within this private space, we share lots of chat and support, along with some crystals that I currently have available and some tarot sessions (which I love). So from me to you, please reach out if any of this resonates.

Sending love and light to you my dear friend,

Dawn x

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