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Dawn the Arty One!

Hallow'een shenanigans

Can you believe it's Hallow'een this coming Saturday? Gosh! This year, despite all it's ups and downs, is certainly flying by at a magical and witching speed!

Since I have been up-dating my website, 'polishing' it, adding a few more tweaks and images, it felt like a good opportunity to hop on the blog here, and wish you all lots of fun and frolicks for this coming spooktacular weekend. I've always loved Halloween because when my kids were small, we loved to get dressed up in spooky costumes, dress up the house, carve pumpkins and have a party. Sadly that won't be happening this year unless you are a social family of 6! These rules and lock down tiers have gotten us all (here in the UK) round the twist! So, if you can't party, join me virtually across the airwaves and brainwaves and spookywaves, pour yourself a large G&T - (or other drink of choice), relax, put your tootsies up and have a chilled evening by the fire watching a good old spooky movie. If you are lucky enough to have a family of 6 and are having a party, enjoy!

I'm using this lock down time very effectively right now, keeping my easel well and truly filled with canvases. I'm creating lots of new work and developing lots of new ideas. You may know already, if you follow Chloé and I at we are very building our homeware and gift collection for our on line business. We are really hoping to expand our own design collection and build our Winstonberry brand in 2021, so stay tuned and keep your eyes on our website and social media at or Instagram too, where we shall be sharing all our news and goodies. They are exclusive to our own brand and won't be available anywhere else. So if you love a bit of colour and individuality in your home or accessories, sign up to our mailing list - either here or on our Winsto web.

In the meantime, I am exhibiting a piece of art at Richmond Stations 'Spot on the wall' group exhibition, which begins in November this year (27th Nov) - so do pop along or check out The Station website for all the lovely work and display of talent from around the area. We could all do with a spot of cheerfulness right now eh?!

Lots of love, stay safe, and don't forget, you can contact me if you are interested in purchasing a piece of my work.

Dawn & Lola (my studio helper) :) xx

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