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Dawn the Arty One!

March energy...

Well hello dear followers! Bet you thought I'd fallen off the face of the earth?! I have to say, in terms of my poor art practice, it was almost feeling like it! But thankfully, I'm re-discovering my mojo and making some, all be it slow, progress. But - I can feel it coming back. The energy is building.... yay!!!

Covid has been a cruel time. It has robbed us of many things. Time especially, that we can't get back. But we must try to look forward now - and this is what I'm telling myself. Leave the dark clouds behind. What's done is done.... and all of that. Sadly, my mum caught covid just about 6 weeks ago. And the thing is, we've been trying to protect her - more than most, due to her having serious underlying health (lung) conditions. It is so unfortunate that we got so far and were almost.... almost, coming through it, when it got her. So, without dwelling and being negative, it has left her severely dibillitated and we, my siblings and I, are going through processes to try and make her life more comfortable and manageable. Anyhoo, as you'd expect, this has put a big block mentally, on my art making - but I'm doing my best to work through it. I'm not going to mention Ukraine in a big way. We all know what is going on over there in Europe and its mind numbing. I'm ignoring it, truly - but we can all only cope with so much. I have bags and bags of things to donate and I'm taking them to a drop off point today. The people are in my mind and in my heart but that's all I'm saying for today.

So as if a loss of biz wasn't enough, I am clawing my way back up to the light and forcing myself to use art as a therapy and heal myself and pull myself forward. To that end, I have signed up and joined an amazing on-line platform for artists and makers (United Art Space) and have been put in a group with some lovely art making ladies, and the plan is to push eachother and encourage a forward thinking, more positive and committed vibe! And so far, it's working. It's all about committment - and I'm throwing myself into it this time. I am fully committed and I have a game plan. No more hiding, no more excuses, no more procrastinating (this is my biggest problem of all.... I'll clean my oven over getting down to creating sometimes....).

So, keep an eye out - I am going to get started with that on-line teaching course. It'll be gentle at first (for me and for the students.... baby steps), but the momentum will come. And I am feeling excited about creating a new body of work. I have already began and I have 2 pieces almost complete. The trouble is, I'm a faffer! And I can't ever call a piece finished! So once I get my gallery and shop set up properly, I need you to grab these pieces and stop me from tinkering :)

I didn't bother to look back at my last post - because I'm moving forward. I can't remember where my journey was at before. I know many of you will have been following Coach House Designs for our homeware, cushions and lamp shades etc. They are all still available - and we will be adding to the range. However, for now, it's all about the art work. It's about getting focussed and knuckling down to some serious work!

So as the energy of spring emerges, along with all the gorgeous flowers, birdsong, lighter nights, longer days and all of that, I will flow with the energy of the month of March, moving soon into April and make the most of this positive time. I feel really excited - and look forward to updating you all more regularly.

Take care of yourselves, make art, get out into the fresh air, listen to the birds...

much love,

Dawn xx

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