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Dawn the Arty One!

Springtime is coming - soon!

I so want it to be Springtime!! ... Don't know if it's just me, but I'm fed up of winter now, with all the snow and ice and cold weather and grey days.... I live in Teesdale which is in a very beautiful part of the County Durham countryside. But we've had a lot of snow this winter. And as much as I love to see it when it first arrives, all that clean white wintry crispness - (it's amazing when you look out and see a gorgeous winter scene before you) .... don't you hate it when it begins to melt and gets all slushy and sludgy.... And thats how I'm feeling about it all now..... bored, slushy and sludgy!! Oh, I'm a bundle of laughs today people. Probably not the best day to be writing a blog post and sending it out to your followers but I really believe people appreciate the realness and the honesty (I hope so anyway) ....... Perhaps it's just the cold winter days and long nights of darkness and same shite TV. But I can't wait for spring and summer to come this year - I'm longing for longer days and warmer nights, birds chirping and flowers peeping out of the ground. I think the effects of Covid and all its shenanigans over these past months, a third lock down and a close of business is really beginning to take it's toll. And I know it's not just me, because I sense on an awful lot of us are fed up now. We are ready for some sunshine!

So on to brighter things. Our little Jasper, our first grandchild, born in October last year, is coming on a treat. He is over 4 months old now (almost 5 months) and is such a joy. He has been the most wonderful distraction to all of this worldly carry on. It has been hard for his Mummy and Daddy, not really being able to take him out much or go and visit anyone or see friends and family with him - but we are in his bubble - so we've been spoiled, Pops and I, because we get to see him quite regularly and he is quite a little character already.

It's amazing how quickly babies grow and develop - and this time has been special because we have been fortunate to spend probably more time with him than we otherwise would have - and watching him grow has been marvellous. He is already trying to say little words (we have video evidence of him saying Hi! yes, really!) and he waves his little arm when you ask him to wave.... The pleasure he brings to our lives is immeasureable. It's so strange how things turn out because just over a year ago, we'd never have thought we'd have a little grandbaby in our lives any time soon.

Awww maaaan, look at that beautiful face. He is gorgeous. Absolutely perfect.

So where does that leave my artwork you ask? Well, trying to stay focussed has been difficult, I can't tell a lie. And I also waded my way through a years paperwork for our biz last month, so I could get my tax return submitted in time for the end of January deadline. Anyone remotely creative will appreciate that things like this really knock your mojo! Haha! Anyhoo... I have managed to return to a piece of art that has sat on my easel for weeks and weeks, and I'm pleased to say, it's almost finished. And.... Chloé and I have just this week announced our new venture "The Coach House" Design Studio. Since we can't make coffee and serve cake at the moment (or any time soon), we decided to pivot (the current buzz word we believe), and have set off on a new leg of our creative journey. It's not new entirely - because we'd already began to have some homeware items printed and created with Winstonberry last autumn, but we have decided, going forward, that this is the new direction we shall take. So watch this space as a new collection of artwork and designs begin to emerge. Currently we have lots of ideas but what we know for certain is that The Coach House will become known for bright, colourful, cheery designs to compliment those little nooks and crannies.... A sumptuous velvet cushion for your favourite comfy chair, a pair of colourful scatter cushions to adorn a plain bed cover, matching lampshades and complimentary fabrics for window dressings and upholstery projects. Its an exciting time for us and we are building up momentum. It has been a difficult journey and pivoting our Winstonberry biz and leaving the cafe behind has been very hard - but we feel a necessary move and one that we hope, in time, shall prove to be a really good one.

So I shall leave you with a little glimpse of the current piece on my easel. It's not quite there - but very nearly. And I'm going to use a lot of the colours and inks to create some complimentary designs. So at least I have a starting point - and many artists will tell you, that is often the hardest part of any journey - the first step.

So, in summing up my current state of affairs, I think I'd say 'fair to middling'...... and on the up. I do hope this little note finds you much the same. And do reach out and share if you feel you need a virtual hug or a chat. We are all struggling on at the moment. But spring IS on the way. I have seen the little snow drops appearing - and its gets mighty cold up here peeps! So if we are seeing positive signs, spring really must be on the way!

Much love,

Dawn xx

Oh and if you'd like to follow us with our Coach House journey.... please do!

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